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Media Kit


Life in a bag aims to inspire people to grow by combining design and sustainability, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. We offer products that allow you to create an indoor organic garden.

Date launched: June 2013
Location: Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal
Team size: 5
Contact: info@lifeinabag.pt

Press Releases

Tin Garden - A paint can that contains everything you need to grow your aromatic herbs, fruits or flowers. Simple and easy to grow, just open the cork cover and water.

With different patterns, in the Modern version we have basil, mint, coriander, parsley and chilli. In the Floral version we have basil, chili, mint, strawberries and perfect love.
In the special Christmas version we have the Christmas tree with 2 different patterns.

About Us

We offer products that combine nature and design and allows you to create an indoor garden of herbs, edible flowers and microgreens. They are a differentiating, didactic and ecological alternative when it comes to offering a gift.

Mission: Life in a bag aims to inspire people to grow combining design and sustainability
Vision: Contribute to a healthy lifestyle
Values: Design, customer proximity, quality and sustainability

The Life in a bag kits includes everything you need to successfully grow with a wide range of varieties from herbs to fruit and flowers. The consumer does not need to have know-how in the area and has our full support during the cultivation process.
Value Proposition
  • Design combined with Do It Yourself (DIY)
  • Components quality and organic certification
  • Reusable packaging
  • Customer service and support

Our history
The brand was founded by the couple Alexandra and Pedro in June 2013. From a city of the north of Portugal, we started as an hobby doing experiences in the garden until we start bringing pots inside our house during the winter. Our kitchen and living room were not the same anymore but we were producing good results having always herbs and microgreens to our meals.
That was the click to starting thinking in packaging everything together so other people could do the same. With design and sustainability in mind we come up with some minimalist, organic and natural products.


Countries where we are present in different types of points of sale such as concept stores, gift, gourmet, garden centers and decoration.
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Italy
  • UK
  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Spain
  • Czech Republic
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg



EESC - Sustainable Design Award

GPA - Honorable mention

2ª Honorable mention

1º prémio NUT-Ave - Minho Empreende


Photos and Videos


Alexandra Silva
Alexandra Silva

With a design bachelor is responsible for communication, customer support and marketing.
Pedro Veloso
Pedro Veloso

Graduated in computer engineering is the management and innovation responsible. Self-taught in urban agriculture with experience in different farming techniques.


Press Alexandra Silva
General info@lifeinabag.pt
France José Caetano
Italy Alice Conti
Social  Facebook